Cardiovascular Wellness

Arterial Imaging Vascular Inflammation Advanced Lipoproteins

Dr. Lyssy’s wellness membership includes advanced cardiovascular testing to identify the root causes of heart attack and stroke. Many focus solely on cholesterol however many other factors are in play including genetics, inflammation, and lipid quality not just quantity. Advanced data can give us the information to create a personalized plan to prevent heart attacks and stroke regardless of history and risk using labs and imaging studies outlined below

Arterial Wall Health

  • Identify dangerous thickening in the muscular lining of the arteries

  • Correlate arterial stress and inflammation

  • Identify plaque location, size, and stability

  • Gauge your “arterial age”



Coronary Plaque Assessment

  • Coronary Angiograms with Artificial Intelligence analysis to accurately identify and qualify plaques in the heart arteries

  • Identify low risk plaques vs high risk plaques

  • Assess narrowing of coronary arteries to determine need for further interventions before its too late


Vascular Inflammatory Assessment

  • Measure the amount of dangerous “heat” or inflammation building up in the walls of the artery

  • Identify the initial step in the development of CVD

  • Create aggressive plan to lower inflammation to stop plaque progression and prevent plaque rupture causing sudden heart attack and stroke


Endothelial Health

  • Identify early endothelial dysfunction in the lining of the artery walls, the first step in the development of CVD

  • Optimize nitric oxide levels which promote healthy vasodilation

  • Decrease platelet aggregation along the inner lining of arteries


Cholesterol Particle Analysis

  • Determine the degree of harmfulness of your cholesterol particles

  • Optimize the particle size by addressing cholesterol packaging in the liver

  • Identify genetic risk and attack proactively

  • Determine need for medications with personalized data


Metabolic Flexibility

  • Determine the body’s metabolic efficiency and flexibility

  • The most powerful driver of arterial inflammation is lack of metabolic flexibility and insulin resistance

  • Target the root cause behind vascular inflammation, aging, brain disease, and cancers